Heather Cooperman from Left Hook Promotions sent along the following:
Shawn Tompkins MMA Striking Seminar
Saturday Feb 16 11:30-2:30
Shawn Tompkins:
*Been involved in Martial Arts since 6years of age and started Team Tompkins at age 18.
*Have had 47 professional Thai Boxing fights with 43 wins.
*Now the Head Coach of Xtreme Couture in Las Vegas , NV
*Has trained fighters such as Randy Couture, Wanderlei Silva, Forrest Griffin, Kimbo Slice, Sam Stout, Dan Henderson, Chris Horodecki, Kendal Grove, Kevin Randelman, Phil Baroni and many many more.
*Voted 2007 Trainer of the Year
Sponsored by Bears Den MMA & Left Hook Productions
Limited space is available: $75 in advance, $85 day of
Contact : Coop @954-235-2952
Bears Den MMA 12349 SW 53st Suite 203 Cooper City FL 954-252-1600
www.lefthookpro.com www.bearsdenmma.com www.teamtompkins.com