Boxer Floyd Mayweather, who spoke about his ambitions to get into the MMA promotion business in the past, is the subject of a terrifying mainstream story today, as the pound-for-pound king reportedly witnessed a murder-suicide play out live on a FaceTime video chat.
According to celebrity-gossip website TMZ, Mayweather witnessed rapper Earl Hayes, son of legendary singer Isaac Hayes, allegedly murder his wife, VH-1 star Stephanie Moseley, before killing himself.
Below are more details on the story courtesy of TMZ:
“Hayes called Floyd on FaceTime Monday morning in a rage, over claims his wife had been unfaithful. According to our Floyd sources, Earl said he was going to kill his wife. The champ was pleading with him to get a grip … to no avail. Floyd will not say how much he saw, but he acknowledges he was a witness and heard everything. Floyd is in shock and is having extreme difficulty dealing with the fact that he witnessed a horrifying murder/suicide.”
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