The following is a message from Phil Baroni's manager Ken Pavia, which was posted on The Underground:
All the facts are not in evidence on this thread…
Phil took 67 supplements and I MADE him take a pre fight test to make sure he didn't have a false positive. He passed for everything.
Phil took a post fight test after his CSAC positive. He passed for everything.
Phil took another post fight test in front of Sherdog editor and cameras at a doctors office. He passed for everything.
We had the CSAC samples RETESTED at a third party accredited lab. These were the same samples that came back positive. THEY CAME BACK NEGATIVE FOR EVERYTHING.
The CSAC expert said there is no such thing as a false positive, but the CSAC web site sites an Olympic committee study that says 15% of all over the counters cause false positives. His credibility should have been shot.
Two of the six Commissioners voted to throw it out completely with one abstaining.
Every objection that was made the entire time was ruled in favor of the Commission including one where by the Commission attorney was allowed to ask about aspects of our case on cross examination that we hadn't even introduced. She got the info out of our exhibit packet and basically introduce all of our evidence before for us.
The Commission was forced to listen to over 2 hours of steroid propaganda prior to the hearing that just by coincidence was scheduled for the same day. They actually brought in a chiropractor from New Jersey who took 45 minutes saying… steroids are bad for kids… steroids are for cheaters.
They had one test that said he did steroids. We had four tests including their test that said he didn't do steroids.
Phil was innocent.