The Dayton Daily News has an article today on Lisa Marie Varon, aka TNA Knockout Tara (and former WWE Diva Victoria) training to compete in mixed-martial arts.
The article notes: Helping her make the transition is J.T. Stewart, a Xenia native and Dayton resident who also currently manages UFC superstar Rich Franklin. As with Franklin, Stewart sees a proven star with the potential to make more money outside the ring than inside it. “Obviously, with the exposure from the WWE, she already had the marquee value,” Stewart said. “She has the name. Women’s MMA is just starting to peak, and with her built-in fan base, she’ll have lot of opportunities with endorsements, sponsorships, autograph signings and card shows. “Plus, she’s also just very athletic. We’ve seen Lashley and Lesnar cross over and do very well in MMA. I’d expect no less from her.”
Who does Stewart and Lisa Marie Varon herself want to fight? The article has a surprising answer to that question. “Stewart and Varon have their sights set on another contracted fighter: Kim Couture (1-1), the ex-wife of former UFC champ Randy Couture. “That’s definitely a fight we’re interested in,” Stewart said.”
Check out the complete article at this link.