To earn a title shot against Rshad Evans, Lyoto Machida feels that Keith Jardine will need to stop Quinton Jackson at UFC 96. From Tatame:
“I’m cheering for Jardine, but I think that Quinton is stronger, hits harder… I think Quinton is the favorite. I think I’ll have to wait a bit more. I could do one more fight, but only if they (UFC) gives me a good opponent, a man with strong name. I don’t want to go down again. All that the UFC putted, I always joined, but now is time for me to start to ask a bit too. I’m waiting Quinton’s fight, but I’m not worried. Everyone was saying that, if I win (Thiago Silva), I’d fight for the belt, but it didn’t happen, but I’m not worried about that. Imagine if I were thinking about the next fight and lose this one? It’s the same thing now, I’m here, solving some things and I’m already thinking about returning to Belm and practice my base for, then, start to worry about my next battle, either by title or not. I just need to make good fights and it will happen…When I get there, it will be just party.”