After posting a blog called “The Demons Didn’t Win” on Friday after the news had surfaced that Michael Koppenhaver’s brother, Jon “War Machine” Koppenhaver had attempted to commit suicide while in jail this week, the brother of the former UFC and Bellator fighter is at it again.
This time, Michael Koppenhaver has published a new blog called, “From Darkness to Light,” where he again touches on the subject of War Machine from a much deeper and more philosophical perspective, sharing more of his own personal experiences.
Below is an excerpt:
My post, Life is a War, touched on how being stabbed and nearly dying was a life catalyst to change my life. I’ve tried so hard to help my brother break free of his anger and make positive changes in his life. I’ve come to accept that I am but a vessel, the only real change will come from God working in Jon’s heart and Jon opening himself up to God’s love. I pray that Jon will see the gift he was given when he was rescued from his suicide attempt and, just like I did after my stabbing, embrace the second chance as an opportunity to change in his life.
Before my stabbing I was angry and my life was a series of bad, destructive choices, I was living in darkness and hate. Surviving my stabbing helped me realize I could continue to let anger rule my life or I could figure out a new way of thinking and living. Clearly living in anger wasn’t working and I was ready for major change. However, wanting change and actually making changes are vastly different. I’d once heard, “to get to somewhere you’ve never been, you have to do something you’ve never done before.” I hated those flippant platitudes but this one was stuck in my mind so I figured I had nothing to lose by trying something new.
Even during my darkest of days I felt a pull in my heart from God, The seeds of faith planted in me as a child kept trying to grow but the weeds of my anger choked them back. I was now ready to give in to that yearning and seek a relationship with God. After all, He’d kept me safe this far, I figured I could at least thank Him for what He’d done for me. I started attending church and began a program of study called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. During that study I was introduced to a man named Dr. Bill Scholes, my initial impression was less than favorable – I actually despised the man. I see now how my frame of mind truly impacted how I viewed everything in the world which in turn dictated my actions. Yet another “stupid platitude” that proved to be true, “you are what you think.”
You can read the complete blog at
For those who missed his initial blog, which dealt specifically about the story of War Machine’s suicide attempt, visit this link: War Machine’s Brother Blogs About His Attempted Suicide In Jail.
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