Following the news that former UFC contender Ryan Jimmo passed away on Sunday after being hit, while on foot, by a car in an alleged hit-and-run incident, several fighters, promoters and other MMA personalities took to social media to comment on his unfortunate passing.
Below are some of the tweets in honor of the late Ryan Jimmo:
Rest in peace my friend and former roommate and teammate Ryan Jimmo.
— Mitch Clarke (@MitchClarkeMMA) June 27, 2016
Wow this is unreal! Was such a laugh to be around him in the practice room! Another good one lost to madness!
— Michael Johnson (@FollowTheMenace) June 27, 2016
Rest in piece amigo ?? @RyanJimmo
— Alistair Overeem (@Alistairovereem) June 27, 2016
My thoughts and prayers go out @RyanJimmo family. Life is to short. @ufc #family #love #rip
— Roy Nelson (@roynelsonmma) June 27, 2016
Jimmo was a cool dude, always a pleasure talking to him & had one of the best victory dances. RIP @ryanjimmo
— Michael Chiesa (@MikeMav22) June 27, 2016
Jimmo!! ???
— tim means (@MeansTim) June 27, 2016
Wow! Sad to hear about the recent tragic passing of UFC Vet Ryan Jimmo. Terrible! My prayers out to his family during this time.
— Chris Weidman (@ChrisWeidmanUFC) June 27, 2016
Jimmo was a great guy I had the opportunity to train with him a few times. Nothing but good things to say about him. May he rest in peace.
— Matt Brown (@IamTheImmortal) June 27, 2016
RIP to @RyanJimmo
— Tom Lawlor (@FilthyTomLawlor) June 27, 2016
Damn! I hate to hear this! RIP
— Chas Skelly (@ChasSkelly) June 27, 2016
Terrible news again. #RIP Ryan Jimmo condolences to his family.
— Frankie Edgar (@FrankieEdgar) June 27, 2016
Hearing rumors of the passing of former teammate @RyanJimmo I hope this isn't true cause you will be very missed!
— sheldon westcott (@sheldonwestcott) June 27, 2016
RIP Ryan Jimmo
— Dana White (@danawhite) June 27, 2016
Best robot ever. <3 #ryanjimmo
— The Spartan (@EliasTheodorou) June 27, 2016
If this is what happened, senseless and I hope they catch whoever is responsible. #ryanjimmo
— The Spartan (@EliasTheodorou) June 27, 2016
Ugh man I'm sincerely gutted my friend @RyanJimmo who i shared an @MaximumFighting title with & interviewed with many times has passed ????
— Anthony Birchak (@abirchakMMA) June 27, 2016
Wow another great fighter #RIP Ryan ?? RT @MikeBohnMMA: I'm sadly able to confirm UFC veteran …
— FranCisco Rivera (@CiscoRiveraUFC) June 27, 2016
His robot dance was so cool. RIP @RyanJimmo My prayers out to his family during this time.
— Ruslan Magomedov (@MagomedovUFC) June 27, 2016
Hope they find the cowards responsible, too much senseless death this year. #RIPRyanJimmo
— Angela Hill (@AngieOverkill) June 27, 2016
"My the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face and the winds of destiny to carry…
— Seth Baczynski (@Sethbmma) June 27, 2016