The Sportsman Channel issued the following …
Four-Part Hunt in the African Bush on Uncaged with Matt Hughes
NEW BERLIN, WI (October 10, 2014) – Matt Hughes, host of Sportsman Channel’s Uncaged with Matt Hughes and 9-time UFC Welterweight Champion, is no stranger to adrenaline. In his most-recent, risk-taking, outdoor adventure, Hughes travels to Namibia, Africa to face off in a desert showdown against some of the world’s most elusive big game including waterbuck, gemsbok, red hartebeest and mountain zebra. Follow along as Sportsman Channel exclusively airs a four-part adventure beginning Saturday, October 18 at 9 a.m. ET.
Hughes spends 14 days in the African bush with good friends and taxidermists Dan and Charlotte Catlin of The Wildlife Gallery and executive producer Blake Barnett, putting his safari training skills to the test. The hunt begins strong. But as time progresses, uncertainty reigns. Each episode of the four-week series gets more intense with each animal Hughes pursues. It will take more than a good shot to win this match, so Hughes calls in reinforcements to keep him on point.
“I spent a significant amount of time training for this trip, but nothing really prepares you for a big game hunt more than actually experiencing it and that was definitely true in this case,” admitted Hughes. “You just have to remain calm and remember what you know. This was a great experience and I can’t wait to plan my next trip.”
Learn more about Uncaged with Matt Hughes on Facebook and Twitter, @UNCAGEDwithMH.
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