“War Machine” posted a long message on Twitter relating to his recent trial for a brutal assault on his ex-partner, Christy Mack.
Former UFC and Bellator fighter “War Machine” (born Jon Koppenhaver) was found guilty of the gruesome assault of Mack and her male associate back in 2014, which left the porn-star with a “blowout fracture of her left eye, and several other broken bones in her face, two missing teeth, a lacerated liver, broken ribs and serious bruising in several places.”
The fighter also assaulted Mack’s male associate (Corey Thomas) so badly that she believed he would lose his life.
Koppenhaver was found guilty on 29 of 34 charges against him March 21, and will likely receive a considerably long-term prison sentence as a result of the assault.
Responding to the jury’s verdict, War Machine took to Twitter to say that he feels “nothing but joy”, and apologized to Mack for the assault while referencing his new found faith in God:
“Well, that didn’t go very well, now did it? Would you believe me, though, if I said that I have nothing but joy inside, even now as I am sure to receive some type of life sentence? It’s true. Often times I have heard men in neighboring cells go to their cells and cry after receiving such news, but how can I? How can I cry tears of sorrow over the circumstances responsible for saving my soul? These circumstances are what has transformed me into a real man, how can I disrespect god by weeping over them? How much is a soul worth? Is a life sentence too high a price? Not at all, I gladly trade this false life in for the real one to come; I have been nothing but blessed by all of this. Now, if only I could somehow receive Christy’s forgiveness… And if only I could one day hear that she too had been saved! That would remove every last bit of tarnish from this tragedy. CHRISTY: I am sorry for the man that I was, I am sorry for hurting you. One day, when enough time has passed, and when your wounds are fully healed, I hope that you will write to me, or, perhaps, even visit me, so that I can apologize completely, and so that I can tell you about all that I have found in regard to god. He is real and can heal and complete you deep inside, if only you knew the full extent to which he had healed me… I will never cease to pray for you. MELISSA & SHANNAH: You have been the best sisters a guy could ever ask for, I love you two so much. BRANDON: You have gone far above and beyond the call of duty as a friend, I’m still in awe of all you have done. STACI: Thank you for your service to god, without you I may never have been found. PHIL: Thakk you for your presence at court, sorry for failing you as a protege. HERMAN: Sorry for failing you as a mentor, you have grown into a good man, I am proud of you. JULIA: You have been a true gift from god, if only… And to the rest of my loved ones: Never worry about me, I am at peace, I am alive and happy for the first time in my life.”