There have been many wild staredowns between MMA fighters but this one takes the cake.
Two unidentified fighters under the Zames Fight Club banner faced off ahead of a scheduled bout. One of the competitors got far more than he bargained for. As he moved in quickly for the staredown, his opponent caught him flush with a flying knee.
See the chaos for yourself courtesy of Barrele La Pierna.
The fight was set for the Zames FC 3 event on Aug. 28 in Minsk, Belarus. We currently do not have word on whether or not the fight was able to take place following the staredown incident.
We’ve seen many intense staredowns in the past. Nate Diaz slapped Donald Cerrone’s cowboy hat off his head. Jeremy Stephens shoved Drakkar Klose during a staredown at the weigh-ins, which led to the cancelation of their bout. It also reportedly led to a new rule in the UFC, at least temporarily, that gave zero tolerance to touching an opponent during a faceoff before the fight.
In the situation with Stephens and Klose, Klose didn’t appear to be shoved too hard. Even so, many believe the weight-cutting left Klose’s body so weakened that a simple shove required medical attention.
You can add a flying knee to the list of staredown debacles.