The following are results of the official weigh-ins for Saturday’s World Series of Fighting 14 event, which features a main event of Jake Shields vs. Ryan Ford.
Ryan Ford (170.4) vs. Jake Shields (170.7)
Smealinho Rama (235.2) vs. Derrick Mehmen (243)
Chris Horodecki (145.7) vs. Luis Huete (145)
Luke Harris (205.1) vs. Jared Hamman (204.2)
Tim Hague (276.1) vs. Craig Hudson (262.6)
Hakeem Dawodu (145.8) vs. Mike Malott (147.3)
Michael Hill (173.6) vs. Marcus Hicks (174.4)
Cody Krahn (192.4) vs. Matt Baker (195)
Roger Alves (155.5) vs. David Swanson (154.5)
For more on WSOF 14, check out our exclusive interview with Jake Shields here: EXCLUSIVE: Jake Shields Responds To Dana White’s Criticism, Talks WSOF Debut Against Ryan Ford & More
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